Rasionalitas Perempuan Pekerja Di Tempat Hiburan Malam (Studi Pada Perempuan X Dan Y Pekerja Ladies Club Di Kota Pekanbaru)
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Universitas Islam Riau
Aulia, Gemar Tia
H Social Sciences (General) 
2022-04-19 08:22:09 
Abstract :
Rationality is the basic concept used by Weber in his classification in social action. According to Weber, this action is related to conscious consideration and the choice that the action is declared. This is what the researchers tried to explain in this study, women who work in the world of nightlife seem to be labeled or labeled as bad by society. to justify what is considered to be a mistake by women who are or work as ladies clubs in the world of night entertainment. It is not uncommon for this to become a form of rational choice that can be made by women in this circle. By using qualitative research methods and conducting in-depth interviews with several related sources, it was explained that the rational choices of women night workers can arise from their learning outcomes from an environment that has been planned in such a way through job management that has been provided with the lure of easy access to economic coffers. amid the high hendonistic life of these women. 

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Universitas Islam Riau