Prisip Kerja Sama Tindak Tutur Asertif Dan Komisif Dialog Antar Tokoh Film Ajari Aku Islam Sutradara Deni Pusung
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Universitas Islam Riau
Astuti, Tia Fijri
L Education (General) 
2022-04-19 08:22:53 
Abstract :
Principles of Assertive and Commissive Cooperation in Dialogue Between Film Characters, Teach Me Islam. Essay. Undergraduate Program. Riau Islamic University. This research is entitled the principle of assertive and commissive cooperation in the dialogue between the characters of the film Ajari Aku Islam. Phenomena found in everyday language by humans use a lot of assertive and commissive speech. Besides being widely used by humans, assertive and commissive speech is also found in many human works, namely cinematography (films), novels and other copyrighted works that use language. The research problem is what are the maxims of the principle of cooperation in each form of assertive and commissive speech in the dialogue between the characters of the film Ajari Aku Islam directed by Deni Pusung. This study aims to describe, analyze, interpret, and conclude the maxim of the cooperative principle in each form of assertive and commissive speech. In this study, the researcher refers to the theory proposed by Rahardi Kunjana. This research method is a descriptive method. The technique used in this research is the agih technique. The results of the study show that the dialogue assertive speech act between the Ajari Aku Islam film director Deni Pusung consists of 76 utterances, the dialogue commissive speech act between the Ajari Aku Islam film director Deni Pusung consists of 26 utterances, the quantity maxim in the assertive and commissive speech forms consists of 23 utterances, the maxim of quality in the assertive and commissive forms consist of 10 utterances, the maxim of relevance utterances in the assertive and commissive forms consist of 2 utterances. Keywords: Cooperation principle, assertive and commissive speech acts, film characters 

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Universitas Islam Riau