Hambatan Guru Dalam Pelaksanaan Komponen Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Bahasa Indonesia Sekolah Menengah Pertama Se-Kecamatan Tenayan Raya Kota Pekanbaru Pada Era Covid-19
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Universitas Islam Riau
Maryani, Lara
L Education (General) 
2022-04-19 09:33:06 
Abstract :
Teacher Barriers in Implementing the Indonesian Language Distance Learning Component for Junior High Schools in Tenayan Raya District, Pekanbaru City In the Covid-19 Era This study is entitled Teacher Barriers in Implementing the Indonesian Language Distance Learning Component for Junior High Schools in Tenayan Raya District, Pekanbaru City In the Covid-19 Era. The phenomenon that occurs in the field in the implementation of distance learning still has obstacles in its implementation. The problem in this study is how are the teacher barriers in implementing the Indonesian distance learning component of junior high schools in Tenayan Raya District, Pekanbaru City in the Covid-19 Era. This study aims to describe and analyze teacher barriers in implementing the Indonesian language distance learning component in junior high schools in Tenayan Raya District, Pekanbaru City in the Covid-19 Era. The information and data collected will be described and analyzed in a systematic and detailed manner so that the true picture can be known. The theory used in this research is the theory of Warsita, Kunandar, and Munir. The method used is descriptive method. This type of research is field research. The approach used is a qualitative approach. The population in the study were 17 Indonesian junior high school teachers in Tenayan Raya District, Pekanbaru City. The results of the study indicate that the Teacher Barriers in the Implementation of the Indonesian Language Distance Learning Component in Junior High Schools in Tenayan Raya District, Pekanbaru City are quite experiencing obstacles. In the program component the results of the analysis are 44.70% which are categorized as lacking, the component of the participants resulting from the analysis is 33.45% which is categorized as lacking, the logistic component of the analysis results is 30.88% which is categorized as lacking, the decision-making component of the analysis results is 56.47% which categorized as sufficient. Thus, it can be concluded that the Teacher Barriers in the Implementation of the Indonesian Language Distance Learning Component in Junior High Schools in the Tenayan Raya District of Pekanbaru City are 56.47% which is categorized as sufficient, or it can be said that there are enough obstacles in the implementation of the distance learning component. 

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Universitas Islam Riau