Pengaruh Berbagai Pupuk Organik Cair Limbah Sayuran Kubis – Kubisan Dan Pupuk Grand K Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Kubis Bunga (Brassica Oleracea Var. Botrytis L.)
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Universitas Islam Riau
Susi, Riska
S Agriculture (General) 
2022-04-19 06:47:27 
Abstract :
This study has been done in trial garden of Islamic University of Riau from April ? July 2019. The objective of this research was to known the interaction effect and main effect of various liquid organic fertilizer of cabbage waste and Grand K for growth and yield of cauliflower. This research used Randomized Complete Design. The first factor is liquid organic fertilizer of cabbage waste (L), with 4 levels which is without waste (L0), white mustard waste (L1), cabbage waste (L2) and cauliflower leaf waste (L3). The second factor is Grand K (K), with 4 levels which is 0 g/polybag (K0), 1,3 g/polybag (K1), 2,6 g/polybag (K2) and 3,9 g/polybag (K3). So that 16 combinations are obtained with 3 replications. The parameters observed were plant height, sum of leafs, age of flowering, age of harvest, weight of crop with leafs, weight of crop, diameter of crop and percentage the weight of crop of weight of whole plant. The latest observational data were statistically analysed and continued with the BNJ advanced test with 5% level. The result showed that the interaction of various liquid organic fertilizer of cabbage waste and Grand K had a significant effect of weight of crop with leafs, weight of crop and diameter of crop with treatment liquid organic fertilizer of cauliflower leaf waste 500 ml/polybag and Grand K 2,6 g/polybag. The main effect of various liquid organic fertilizer of cabbage waste is significant of age of flowering, age of harvest, weight of crop with leafs, weight of crop and diameter of crop, with the best treatment is liquid organic fertilizer of cauliflower leaf waste 500 ml/polybag. The main effect of Grand K is significant of age of flowering, weight of crop with leafs, weight of crop, diameter of crop and percentage the weight of crop of weight of whole plant, with the best treatment is Grand K 2,6 g/polybag. 

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Universitas Islam Riau