An Analysis Of Students’ Self Esteem On Speaking Of The Third Semester Of English Language Education Study Program At FKIP UIR
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Universitas Islam Riau
Mauludi, Rizki Patian
L Education (General) 
2022-04-19 09:33:20 
Abstract :
The objective of the research is to find out how is students? self esteem on Speaking of the third semester at English Language Education Study Program of Islamic University of Riau. This is descriptive qualitative research. This research was conducted at English Study Program Students FKIP UIR The sample of this class is class A. The research instrument of this research is questionnaire. Three types of self-esteem, namely, global self-esteem, situational self-esteem, and task self-esteem. The first type is a fixed characteristic in grown up people which cannot be changed only if there is a wide treatment. It is a general or prevailing assessment one makes of one?s own worth over time and across a number of situations. Whereas, situational self-esteem refers to one?s personal appraisals in certain life situations such as social interaction, work, education and home, or any particular relatively distinctly defined traits such as intelligence, oral ability, athletic ability or personality characteristics like gregariousness, empathy, flexibility to the circumstances and the specific qualities of personalities. The last type, task self-esteem, has relation with the evaluations one makes of particular situations. Based on the result of the research showed that global self esteem there were 16 students (53,33%) students have low global self esteem, and the rest of the students 14 students (46,67%) have high global self esteem. In situational Self esteem there were 9 students (39%) students have low global self esteem, and the rest of the students 21 students (70%) have high situational self esteem. In task self esteem there were 15 students (50%) students have low global self esteem, and the rest of the student 15 students (50%) have high situational self esteem. 

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Universitas Islam Riau