Pengaruh Pemberian Fermentasi Ampas Sagu Dan Kotoran Sapi Dengan Persentase Berbeda Terhadap Pertambahan Populasi Cacing Tanah (Lumbricus Rubellus)
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Universitas Islam Riau
Sarah, May
SH Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling 
2022-04-19 06:49:02 
Abstract :
This research was conducted to determine the effect of fermentation sago pulp and cow dung with different percentages of population growth earthworm (Lumbricus rubellus). 600 earthworm individuals aged 3 months divided into 5 treatments and 3 replications with 40 individuals in each test media. The treatment consisted of different percentage of fermented sago pulp and cow dung, viz P1: 100% sago pulp fermentation, P2: 100% cow dung, P3: 75% sago pulp fermentation + 25% cow dung, P4: 50% fermented sago pulp + 50% cow dung, P5: 25% fermentation sago pulp + 75% cow dung in 43 days maintenance. The results showed that the percentage of 25% sago pulp fermentation + 75% cow dung is the treatment the best with a population increase of 870 individuals. From the results of the analysis the variance obtained F count 187.84> F table (0.01) 5.99 at the 99% accuracy level explained that the composition of fermented sago pulp and buffalo dung fermentation was significantly different to increase the population of earthworms (L. rubellus). 

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Universitas Islam Riau