Kombinasi Kotoran Ayam Dan Ampas Tebu Dengan Persentase Berbeda Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Maggot (Hermetia Illucens)
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Universitas Islam Riau
Putri, Wildatul
SH Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling 
2022-04-20 08:59:58 
Abstract :
This study lasted 21 days in March-April 2019, at the Agricultural Faculty of Islamic University of Riau. The high price of protein source feed material is certainly a concern for farmers because the cost of feed is the largest component in the livestock business activity of 50-70%. Maggot or larvae of black soldier fly Flies (Hermetia Illicens) is one of the feed alternatives that meet the requirements as a source of protein. This will certainly have a positive impact when maggots can be used to substitute the use of fish flour which is relatively expensive. Maggot can be used to convert waste such as agricultural industry waste, livestock, or human debris. Therefore, the pulp and chicken manure became a live media maggot. This research is agreed to know the level of production, weights, and lengths in maggots (Hermetia Illucens) in different media so that it can be used as a good alternative feed for fish. In this study used a complete random method (RAL) with 5 3 repeats of P1:100% of chicken manure, P2:50 chicken manure + 50% sugar cane, P3:75% Chicken dirt + 25 Sugarcane, P4:25% chicken dirt + 75% sugar cane and P5:100% chicken dirt. The BSF flies produce an egg that then becomes a maggots weighed weighing 0.1 gr. Once 7 days the measurement of the length of growth, weight, and total production calculated at the end of the study. In addition, it also measures the measurement of temperature, ph, and humidity parameters in the research media. In this research can result in heavy growth of P1:0.037 gr, P2:0.046 gr, P3:0.034 gr, P4:0.033 gr, P5:0.025 gr. length P1:0.65 cm, P2:0.77 cm, P3:0.62 cm, P4:0.61, P5:0.58 cm.. The daily growth rate (SGR) of maggots P1:0.26%, P2:0.33% P3:0.24%, 0.24%, P5:18%. While the total production of maggots P1:16.0 gr, P2:20.3 gr, P3:15.7 gr, P4:15.0 and P5:14.0 Gr. Based on growth research and the highest total production is available on P3 while the lowest in P5. The analysis of the variances (ANAVA) conducted showed that there was a noticeable influence of the combination of chicken manure and sugar cane so that hypotheses in this study were accepted. The observation parameters of the media condition grew during the research in the good and supportive category in the maggots growth process i.e. 28-30oC temperature, pH ranged between 6.6-6.9 and 60-70% humidity. 

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Universitas Islam Riau