Tari Lungun Koba Di Sanggar Rumah Seni Balai Proco Kabupaten Rokan Hulu
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Universitas Islam Riau
Dinova, Chania
NX Arts in general 
2022-04-19 06:50:48 
Abstract :
This study aims to describe in detail about Lungun Koba Dance. This research was conducted at the Sanggar Rumah Seni Balai Proco, Rokan Hulu Regency, starting from 2009 on December 15, 2009. The method used by the writer is descriptive method using qualitative participant data. Lungun Koba dance is a dance originating from the Balai Proco Art House, Rokan Hulu Regency, which was worked on by a choreographer named Dasrikal, this work was produced in Rokan Hulu Regency in 2016 and was displayed at Pekanbaru Cultural Park. The purpose of this work was created as a competition for the provincial-level Lancing Kuning dance creation festival. This dance tells about the expression of a longing for life, nature, and humans (as a whole / broadly) and begins with tahai then enters the koba syair song. The object in the research of Lungun Koba Dance is 5 people. The results showed that the Lungun Koba dance was a creative dance. There are elements of the lungun koba dance, namely, motion consisting of movements such as Tondon, Tupai Bagoluik, and lenggang. The musical instruments used are drum, calempong, darbuka, gong, accordion, violin, jimbe, and vocals. There are 3 floor designs used, namely straight, diagonal, and curved lines. Lungun Koba dance for male dancers using handsome makeup and female dancers using beautiful makeup. The costumes used for men are wearing dark orange clothes, black pants and a brown vest. While the women's costumes use a labo kebaya shirt with flower motifs and black pants. The property used is bobano which serves as an enhancer to the atmosphere of koba. The lighting arrangement at the beginning of the light dance is dark, then bright lighting with white lights. The stage used in this dance is a general stage. The theme of the lungun koba dance is about everyday human life. Lighting in the lungun koba dance is as lighting and also strengthens the atmosphere on the stage. The lighting arrangement in this lungun koba dance is that which is used dark, bright with white lights. 

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Universitas Islam Riau