Tari Semarak Bujang Melaghat Koreografer Allen Trendi Di Sanggar Dayang Senandung Kecamatan Sabak Auh
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Universitas Islam Riau
Manisa, Ferentika
NX Arts in general 
2022-04-19 09:33:33 
Abstract :
This study aims to find out about the analysis of Semarak Bujang Melaghat Choreographer Allen Trendy at Sanggar Dayang Senandung, Sabak Auh District. This research was conducted in Sanggar Dayang Senandung, Sabak Auh District from 2019 to 2020. Semarak Bujang Melaghat dance is a dance originating from Sanggar Dayang Senandung which was worked on by a choreographer named Allen Trendi, this work was worked on in Sanggar Dayang Senandung District Sabak Auh on in 2011 and featured on the Siak Bermadah event. The purpose of this dance was created for the event Siadah Bermadah race to coincide with the anniversary of Siak Regency. The Semarak Bujang Melaghat dance was lifted from the story of the life of a poor and destitute young man in a village who was contemplating his fate that was shunned by his relatives and friends every day. the day. One day the pensive young man suddenly got a whisper from his heart that God will not change someone's fate unless the servant himself changes it. The method used by the writer is Descriptive Analysis method using qualitative data. In this study the research subjects obtained by the author consisted of 4 people, namely 1 Choreographer (Allen Trendi), 1 chairman of the Studio (Putra Fajar), 1 Musician (Desmaredit), and 1 dancer (Rusman Effendi). In this work the benefit for the writer is to find out the analysis of the Semarak Bujang Melaghat Choreographer Allen Trendi, for the Sendratasik study program this research is expected to be one of the requirements for completing S1 education at the Riau Islamic University Department of Language and Art Faculty of Education and Education 

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Universitas Islam Riau