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Universitas Islam Riau
Tamara, Cynthia
BF Psychology 
2022-04-20 09:05:17 
Abstract :
Someone who is going through their undergraduate education (S1) is faced to the obligation of finishing their final assignment (thesis) in order to get bachelor degree. The students who often postpone their thesis accomplishment tend to not be able of completing their study well and on time. This research aims to know the correlation between adversity quotient and academic procrastination on final year students who work on their thesis. The subjects used in this research were 60 final year students at Faculty of Economic and Business Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau who work on their thesis. The technique of selecting the samples was purposive sampling. The technique of collecting data was by using Adversity Quotient Scale and Academic Procrastination Scale. The technique of data analysis in this research was by using Product Moment Correlational Technique. Based on the results of data analysis, obtained that the value of correlational coefficient r is -0,533 with p = 0,000 (p<0,05). The value obtained from the result of data analysis shows that there is negatively significant correlation between adversity quotient and academic procrastination on final year students who work on their thesis. The effective contribution between Adversity Quotient and Academic Procrastination in this research about 28,4%. 

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Universitas Islam Riau