Hubungan Antara Konflik Peran Ganda Dengan Strekerja Pada Karyawati Yang Bekerja Di Bank
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Universitas Islam Riau
Ginting, Dewi Anggreyani Br
BF Psychology 
2022-04-20 09:05:25 
Abstract :
Women who have double role tend to experience work stress, where conflicts with the special roles as housewives and worker disturb family matters and role stresses from work. This study aims to determine the correlation between double role conflictsandwork stress on female bankemployees. Thepopulation in this study is all female employees who worked at the Sudirman Pekanbaru Branch Office with a total sample of 69 subjects.Sampling technique using saturated sampling.Data collection uses two scales,double role conflict scale and the work stress scale. The data are analyzed with product moment correlation analysis techniques. The result indicates that there is a significant positive correlation between double role conflict and work stress with (r = 0.555, p = 0,000). The effective contribution given by the double role conflict variable to work stress is 30.8%, the rest is influenced by other variables. 

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Universitas Islam Riau