Hubungan Kesabaran Dengan Kebahagiaan Pada Siswa SLTP Yang Ibunya Bekerja
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Universitas Islam Riau
Putra, Dian Purnama
BF Psychology 
2022-04-20 09:05:41 
Abstract :
Happiness is a set of feelings that can be felt by individuals in the form of feeling happy, peaceful, and have peace. Based on previous studies about happiness, one of the factors that affect happiness is the patience of the person. This study aims to test scientifically the relationship between the patience of happiness in students of junior high school students 17 Pekanbaru who have working mothers, the sample in this research is as many as 67 students by using the sampling technique research using the technique of simple random sampling. The research Data were taken using a scale of patience and the happiness scale and the data were analyzed by using product moment correlation analysis. The results of correlation analysis product moment obtained koefisian correlation of 0,675 with a value of p = 0.000 (p<0.05), which showed that there was a significant relationship between patience with happiness and donations patience to happiness as much as 45,6%. 

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Universitas Islam Riau