Pengaruh Intensitas Bermain Game Online Dengan Prokrastinasi Akademik Pada Mahasiswa
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Universitas Islam Riau
S, Indra Samuel
BF Psychology 
2022-04-21 07:08:15 
Abstract :
The high enthusiasm of students playing online mobile phone games caused frequent absences during the morning lecture hours, spending SPP money on game vouchers, rushing to do assignments, often not collecting assignments and most having low GPA. The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the effect intensity playing games online mobile phone against academic procrastination among college students. The study population was 38.300 college students by sample were 100 college students with random sampling techniques. Data collection used scale of academic procrastination and the intensity playing games online mobile phone scale, then the data obtained were analyzed used correlation product moment analysis. Based on the results of the analysis of this study, it can be concluded that there is effect between the intensity of playing games online mobile phone with academic procrastination among college students. The higher the intensity of playing games online mobile phone, the higher the academic procrastination of college students. Conversely, the lower the intensity of games online mobile phone, the lower of academic procrastination college students. The influence of these two variables is 30,2%. Findings of this study also indicate that there are also female college students who play online mobile phone games (23%), this means that online games have now begun to be played and favored by female. The most played game by college students is PUBG. Judging from the descriptive aspects of academic procrastination with the highest average, students do other activities that are more fun than doing the tasks that must be done. Judging from the descriptive aspects of the intensity of playing online mobile phone games with the highest average, the intensity of playing increases because they have to satisfy their emotions in playing online games. 

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Universitas Islam Riau