Pengaruh Ekspor Dan Impor Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Indonesia
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Universitas Islam Riau
Risnitia, Hapta
H Social Sciences (General) 
2022-04-20 09:13:53 
Abstract :
This research was conducted in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is: to identify the effect of exports and the importance of economic growth in Indonesia. While the type of data used is secondary data consisting of quantitative figures from 2004 to 2018. This study uses the method of linear multiple regression analysis and uses the method testing classic considerations. To process the data using several tests, namely the ststistical test and theclassical Assumption test. Data is processed using the Eviews-9 application. From the results of this study note that : 1)exports are positive and significant to economic growth in Indonesia : 2) imports of negative and significant growth in indonesia. From this study obtained from exports are negative for economic growth in Indonesia. This can be seen from the research. Based on the analisis using the Eviews-9 tool, the prob (F-statistic) score of 0.007062 is obtained. And the determination coefficient value of 0.56. which means exports and the important thing is to increase economic growth in Indonesia by 56% while the remaining 44% needed by variables not included in this study. 

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Universitas Islam Riau