Abstract :
This study aims to find out how the Role of Village Heads in the Management of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in Wonosari Village, Bengkalis District, Bengkalis Regency. The assessment indicators used include Planning, Organizing, Mobilizing and Monitoring. This type of research is located in Wonosari Village, Bengkalis Subdistrict, Bengkalis Regency. This is a descriptive survey, which prioritizes questionnaires as a tool for collecting data and data collected with this tool and then becomes the main raw material for analyzing empirical conditions and objectivity of the research objectives in the location studied. The sample population in this study amounted to 32 people, namely those who became staff of BUMDes and the people of Wonosari Village. In this study the sampling was done by census technique and using the Slovin formula. For the census technique carried out on the Village Head and Staff of the Superior Sari BUMDes while the Slovin formula for the community. Meanwhile the techniques for analyzing data using the frequency measurement tool. Based on this data analysis technique researchers assessed the Role of Village Heads in the Management of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in Wonosari Village, Bengkalis District, Bengkalis Regency. Being in the Less Acting interval this can be seen from the answers of 32 respondents from the three indicators that obtained a value of 66.48 based on the assessment items categorized as Less Role. Recommendations that need to be considered, especially with the management of BUMDes, are further enhanced and more assertive in carrying out supervision by requesting reports from the business unit, then more often disseminating information to the public about the existence of BUMDes so that the community can participate in advancing the BUMDes.