Abstract :
This study aims to determine the performance of employees at Office Tampan Pekanbau District and find out whether employee performance is determined by indi input, output and outcome factors. The population in this study is overall employee Handsome Pekanbaru District Office yan g totaling 24 person. Researcher determine the sample with the census method and determination of the sample that is all employees in Tampan District Office of Pekanbaru as many as 24 person. Penel it this ian using descriptive methods by collecting data that has been obtained then do the processing by classifying ie fish separates data accordingly with types and functions each one. Interpreting existing data, as well as based theories and relevant concepts so that an overview can be obtained against solving the problem at hand and drawing conclusions and suggestions from the results research. From the results showed that the performance of employees at Office Handsome District of Pekanbaru already in the good category. Employee performance is influenced by input indicators based on expertise, accuracy, facilities and infrastructure as well dimi knowledge liki. Then employee performance is influenced by output indicators which is based on quantity, work time, quality and work assessment. next performance employees are influenced by outcome indicators based on the level of service quality and satisfaction y ang accepted by the community. Keywords: Kine r ja employee