Upaya Guru Pai Dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Di SMP Negeri 7 Tambang Desa Kulau Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar
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Universitas Islam Riau
Zamri, Muhammad
BV1460 Religious Education 
2022-02-24 10:22:00 
Abstract :
This research was motivated by the lack of students’ learning motivation especially in PAI subject at junior high school 7 Tambang. Besides, research formulation in this research explained about PAI teachers’ effort in improving students’ learning motivation. The purpose in this research examined to know PAI teachers’ effort in improving students’ learning motivation. PAI teacher was the subject in this research. Meanwhile, the object in this research was the effort of PAI teacher in improving students’ learning motivation. This research used qualitative. The approach in this research was case study. The source in this research consisted of primer and secondary data. Data collection technique used interview and documentation. Data analysis technique used in qualitative was data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. This research finding showed that PAI teacher had been done the effort in improving students’ learning motivation with advice, appreciate students’ opinion, explained the important of learning PAI, used some methods in teaching, explained learning objectives, problem solving in teaching and learning, given chance to students in explaining their problems, given self-confident to students, directed students to read former material, appreciated experience and students’ ability, created happy and comfortable learning circumstance, and invited students to make a competition in learning. 
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Universitas Islam Riau