Fungsi Motivasi Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Petugas Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Dan Pemadam Kebakaran Di Kota Pangkalan Kerinci Kabupaten Pelalawan
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Universitas Islam Riau
Sari, Shitta Wijaya Putri Ganda
H Social Sciences (General) 
2022-02-24 10:22:10 
Abstract :
Motivation is an impulse made by someone to another person in order that the person is willing to do an activity or goal so that it can be achieved optimally. Then it is the same as the civil service police officers who need motivation from their leaders in order to achieve maximum performance, where civil service police units have quite complex tasks and functions, namely as regional head assistants, enforcement of regional regulations, regional development organizers, order and peace public, and community protection. Related to this, the researcher was interested in examining the motivational function in improving the performance of officers of the civil service police and fire department in the city of Pangkalan Kerinci Pelalawan District, by looking at how the motivational function could improve the performance of officers. The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the function of motivation in improving the performance of officers and to find out the obstacles faced by officers in carrying out their duties and functions. This research is a quantitative descriptive study that obtains data through observation, questionnaires, interviews and documents and data will be analyzed using percentage techniques to find out the assessment categories of respondents who answered implemented, quite implemented and less implemented. The population of this study is the Head of the civil Service Police Unit, employees of the state civil apparatus, and non state civil servants and the sample is only half a percent of the civil servants and non state civil servants, using four indicators, namely attention, interest, wishes and actions. Based on the data collection that has been done, it can be concluded that the motivational function in improving the performance of officers of the civil service police and fire department in the city of Pangkalan Kerinci Pelalawan Regency is in “the implemented” category. 

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Universitas Islam Riau