Peranan Seksi Pengembangan Pasar Dan Pengawasan Pada Dinas Perdagangan Dan Perindustrian Kota Pekanbaru (studi Kasus Pembangunan Kios Plaza Sukaramai)
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Universitas Islam Riau
Ramadhani, Suci
H Social Sciences (General) 
2022-02-24 10:22:14 
Abstract :
This study aims to find out and explain the role and factors that inhibit the Market Development Section and Supervision at the Pekanbaru City Trade and Industry Service Against the Construction of Stalls in the Sukaramai Plaza). The role assessment indicators used include the preparation of work programs, implementation of public services, coordination with other work units and control, supervision, guidance, evaluation and reporting. The type of research that is located in the Field of Market, Section of Market Development and Supervision at the Department of Trade and Industry of Pekanbaru City is Quantitative Descriptive namely prioritizing the questionnaire list as a tool for data collection which is then described with calculations and researchers analyzing the objectives of this adjusted research with actual conditions. There are two population groups and the sample in this study is for samples taken from the Head of Market Development and Supervision Section using a census technique while for traders who have kiosks at Sukaramai Plaza / who sell at Sukaramai Plaza the sampling technique uses a formula from Taro Yamane or Slovin which is 43 respondents. The types and techniques of data collection consist of primary data obtained from the results of questionnaire lists and interview lists and secondary data obtained from documents obtained from the research site. While the data collection techniques obtained from observation, questionnaires, interviews and documentation. And data analysis techniques researchers use quantitative calculations and descriptive methods to analyze the questionnaire results obtained. Based on the research that has been done, researchers assess and conclude that the role of the Market Development Section and Supervision at the Pekanbaru City Trade and Industry Office (Case Study of the Construction of the Sukaramai Plaza Kiosk) is in the range of sufficient scores. Suggestions that need to be considered are mainly regarding efforts to improve their performance and responsibilities by paying more attention to the development activities of both Sukaramai Plaza and other markets so that the welfare of traders continues to improve in the future. 

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Universitas Islam Riau