Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to find out the Development of Tourism Objects of the Siak Sri Indrapura Palace by the Siak Regency Tourism Office and to find out the obstacles in the Development Implementation of Siak Sri Indrapura Palace Tourism Objects by the Siak Regency Tourism Service. This type of research is descriptive survey, which describes the reality encountered in the field as it is. The use of this type aims to measure carefully using quantitative analysis through systematic depiction and gathering facts in the object of research. Quantitative methods are research methods that use the process of data in the form of numbers as a tool to analyze and conduct research studies, especially about what which has been examined, After all the data needed is collected, the data is then grouped and tabulated according to the type and type of data and added with the statements qualitatively which are supporting in explaining the results of the research, then analyzed using quantitative methods descriptively From the results of research It can be concluded that the Development of Tourism Objects of the Siak Sri Indrapura Palace by the Siak Regency Tourism Office in the category of "good enough" caused by various obstacles such as promotion carried out by the tourism agency is not optimal because not yet embracing all the people, other than that, less supportive accessibility such as transportation within the district is limited in number.