Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Di Kantor Camat Tapung Hilir Kabupaten Kampar
Total View This Week7
Universitas Islam Riau
Azizah, Ulfatul
H Social Sciences (General) 
2022-02-24 10:22:25 
Abstract :
This study aims to analyze the extent to which the Quality of Public Service at the Tapung Hilir District Head Office in Kampar Regency, as well as to find out the constraints faced by the employees of Tapung Hilir Subdistrict in providing Public Services to Communities Who Want to Manage Data or Related Letters With Tapung Hilir District Head Office. The indicators of this research are Service Timeliness, Service Accuracy, Ease of Getting Service, Convenience in Obtaining Services, Service Support Attributes. This type of research located in Tapung Hilir District Office is a descriptive survey, which prioritizes the list of questionnaires as a means of collecting data and data collected with this tool and then used as the main raw material to analyze the empirical conditions of the objectivity of the existence of the research objectives in the researched location. The population that is used in this study is Tapung Hilir Sub-District Head, Head of General and Personnel Subdivision, Government Task Analysis Division, Tapung Hilir Sub-District Office Officer, and Service Recipient Society. The sampling technique used in determining individual samples was census techniques for the employee population and purposive sampling technique for the community, the type and technique of data collection used in this study consisted of primary data collected using questionnaires and interviews as well as secondary data collected using techniques observation. While the data analysis technique used is to use frequency table tools. Based on this analytical technique, the researcher assessed and concluded that the Quality of Public Service at Tapung Hilir Sub-District Office in Kampar District was at the "Pretty Good" assessment interval 

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Universitas Islam Riau