Abstract :
This study aims to determine work discipline on employee performance at PT. Daya Persada Utama in Pekanbaru City and to determine the effect of work discipline on employee performance at PT. Daya Persada Utama in Pekanbaru City. The type of research used by the author is a quantitative descriptive survey, for the research location is PT Daya Persada Utama on Jl. Tuanku Tambusai, No.189 Labuh Baru Barat Sub-district, Payung Sekaki Pekanbaru City. The population and sample in this study were taken as many as 50 respondents. The sampling technique used in this study was a saturated sampling technique (Census), data collection in this study used interviews, observations and questionnaires filled out by the general manager and employees at PT. Main Power of Persada. Data were obtained using instrument test, validation test, reliability test, t-test, coefficient of determination and statistical hypothesis. The results of this study indicate work discipline at PT. Daya Persada Utama in Pekanbaru City has a score of 3,618 in the very good category. Meanwhile, employee performance has a weighted score of 2,223 with a very good category range. In addition, there are observation results and processed data such as validity tests which state that this research can be said to be valid, for reliability tests it can also be concluded that the testing is reliable, for simple linear regression tests, discipline results are obtained. work increases by 1%, the employee performance variable will increase by 1,400 And the influence of work discipline on employee performance has a percentage weight of 88.1%. based on the results of the study it can be concluded that there is an influence of work discipline on the performance of employees at PT. Daya Persada Utama, researchers suggest to PT. Daya Persada Utama that the company must maintain its operational activities properly, and provide s trict sanctions for any violations committed by employees so that employees have a sense of responsibility.