Abstract :
customer satisfaction is a must for companies to obtain clear and perfect information about the factors that encourage customers to consume or use these products or services. The purpose of this study is to determine and explain the factors that influence customer satisfaction on Bolu Kemojo products in Makmur City at Pasar Wisata-Pasar Bawah, Pekanbaru. The type of research that is descriptive quantitative is to describe the actual situation of what was found at the time of the research by collecting data and clarifying it so that an analysis of the problems encountered can be obtained. The sampling technique used in this study is incidental sampling, which is the determination of the sample based on chance with 44 customers. Data collection techniques used are questionnaires, interviews, observations, and documentation. While the data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis of quantitative data, namely describing data through numbers and obtaining data collection by assigning scores to the questionnaire. Based on this analytical technique, the researcher assessed and concluded that customer satisfaction for indicators of product quality, price, service quality, emotional factors, and convenience in the tourist market-lower market, Pekanbaru was categorized as "Good Enough". This is due to the customer satisfaction factor that needs to be considered by the Bolu Kemojo business owner in Makmur City, such as the emotional factor, it is better to provide a special place for the Bolu Kemojo business so that customers are comfortable when buying and not crowded with others The quality of service is further enhanced by its service to buyers. Ease of using social media more often for product promotion. Price in order to provide a discount to the buyer. The quality of the product is maintained by the taste of the product and more makes other flavor variants.