Abstract :
Implementation of public order and peace as the duty of the subdistrict
sub-district is an effort to improve the comfort for the community. Based on the
Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18 Year 2016
Regarding Regional Tools in Article 50 Coordinating the efforts of the
administration of peace and public order. Therefore, in the implementation of the
policy of the duty of the sub-leader must optimize Effectiveness, Efficiency,
Adequacy, Alignment, Responsiveness, Accuracy. Implementation of duty camat
in handling prostitution public disease expected to be executed properly by doing
supervision until giving strict legal sanction. The purpose of this study is to
analyze the Implementation of Duties of Camat in Disease Control Society in
Pangkalan Lesung Subdistrict and to know the obstacles in Task of Dalan SubDistrict of Handling of Community Disease in Sub District of Pangkalan Lesung.
The results of this study are expected to provide benefits as follows: the
contribution of the mind in order to develop science, especially in the field of
social and political sciences and reference to improve the duty of camat in
tackling disease prostitution in Pangkalan Lesung. The results of the study
conducted by Pangkalan Lesung Subdistrict through six indicators are in the
category of "Good Enough" with a value of 26 or percentage of 58%. However
the authors suggest to the head of sub-district to further improve its performance
in tackling the disease of prostitution community in Pangkalan Lesung sub-district
and can give sanction and closing to the existing portitution in order to create the
comfort to society.