Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Kewenangan Kepala Desa Dalam Membina Kehidupan Masyarakat Desa Di Desa Tanjung Medan Kecamatan Cerenti Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi
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Universitas Islam Riau
Rikardo, Riko
JA Political science (General) 
2022-02-24 10:24:40 
Abstract :
Evaluations as a process to know/test wheter an activity, process activitiess, output of a program in accordance with objectives or criteria that have been determined. Village Government is the smallest form of government within the Republic of Indonesia which can be said to have self-government and is headed by the Village Head. In law No. 6 Year 2014 on the Village, where in Article 26 the Village Head is in charge of organizing the Village Government, implementing the Village Depelopment, Village Community Depelopment, Village Community Empowerment and Village Head are authorized to foster the life of the village community, especially in Tanjung Medan Village Cerenti Regency Kuantan Singingi. There are still problem regarding the implementation of teh implementation of the authority of the Village Head in fostering the life of the village community, among others, the Village Head is less Effective to porvide guidance and guidance to the Village community so that the low response of the community in guidance and guidance by the Village Head to the village community life, The lack of good cooperation beetwen the Village Head and the Village community institution, the law number of health facilities and infrasstructure in the village, is still lack of suverpision by the Village Head to the Village community. The type of this research is descriptive survey which the writer wants to describe how the Implementation of authority of Village Head in developing the life of the village community in the village of Tanjung Medan Cerenti Sub-district Kuantan Singingi, furthermore to collect the data of the writer using Questionnaire, Interview, Observation and Documentation as data collecting tool of research. After processing data from the village Government, RT/RW and the Village Community can be concluded that the implementation of the authority of the village Head in fostering the life of the village community in the category of “Good Enough”. With the conclusion of the Implementation of the authority of the Village Head is assessed from the indicator of Effectiveness, Efficiency, Sufficiency, Alignment, Responsiveness, Accuracy is still considered not effective, this is because there are still obstacles faced by the Village Head so that in the implemetation of the authority of the Village Head in fostering the lives of village communities is still not effective. 

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Universitas Islam Riau