Keterbacaan Wacana Buku Teks Produktif Berbahasa Indonesia SMK Kelas XI Penerbit Erlangga Berdasarkan Formula Grafik Fry
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Universitas Islam Riau
Khairat, Syarah
PN Literature (General) 
2022-03-19 04:06:05 
Abstract :
Readability of Discourse of Productive Textbooks in Indonesian for Class XI at Erlangga Publishing Vocational School based on Fry's Graphic Formula. Pekanbaru: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Riau Islamic University. The research of this thesis is about the readability of the Indonesian Language Productive textbook for class XI SMK publisher Erlangga. The purpose of this study was to describe the level of readability of discourse in the Indonesian Language Productive text book at SMK class XI publisher Erlangga based on Fry's Graphic Formula. The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The data collection technique in this research is a text study technique. The data analysis technique used in this research is data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing/verification and using the Fry graph formula. The readability of the discourse which is the subject of discussion in this study is as many as 25 discourses. The results of this study indicate that there are 4 discourses that are readable for class XI SMK and 21 other discourses that are not appropriate. So it can be said that the Productive Indonesian Language Book for class XI SMK is considered low. The appropriate discourse to be used in class XI (eleven) SMK is entitled: The Trigger of the Toba Eruption 74,000 Years Ago Revealed, The Crocodile Ancestors Turned Out to Give Birth, Not Laying Eggs, Political Taste in Indonesian Food, Lack of Education for Village People. Keywords: Readability, Discourse, Fry . Graphics 
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Universitas Islam Riau