Digital Literacy On Students' Elementary School In SD Islam Plus YLPI Pekanbaru
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Universitas Islam Riau
Astika, Selly
PE English 
2022-03-19 07:02:36 
Abstract :
Implementation of digital literacy in school environment nowadays meets a number of problems. Digital literacy requires extra supervision of children, because elementary school students are psychologically still looking for their identity, so they need guidance when reading reading content so they are not exposed to negative information. The aim of this research is to find out the the level of Digital Literacy on Students? Elementary School in SD Islam Plus YLPI Pekanbaru. Research method of this research is used qualitative by using questionnaire and interview. Questionnaire distributed from 37 students at SD Islam Plus YLPI. Students' perspectives on e learning are seen in six indicators, namely (1) creativity and innovation, (2) communication and collaboration, (3) research and information fluency, (4) critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making, (5) digital citizenship and (6) technology operations and concepts. The result showed that from questionnaires, mayority students were insuffient skill as many as 78,4%. 18,9% as basic skill. And least is 2,7% as digital literate category on level of students? digital literacy. Based on interview session, the result showed that students? digital literacy was generally low. Students do not like reading activities that more difficult to produce work and collaborate. Students? prefer reading chats on games, caption instagram/facebook, friends? chat on whatsapp groups and others that are more entertainment. 

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Universitas Islam Riau