Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik (PMR) Dengan Media Tangram Pada Materi Segiempat Dan Segitiga Siswa Kelas VII Di SMPN 6 Siak Hulu
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Universitas Islam Riau
Khasanah, Kholifatul
L Education (General) 
2022-03-23 09:03:31 
Abstract :
The research aims to produce a mathematics learning tool in the form of a Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) and a Student Activity Sheet (LPKD) based on a Realistic Mathematical Approach (PMR) with Tangram Media in SMPN 6 Siak Hulu which is tested as valid and practical. The development of learning tools in this study uses the method of development or R&D using the Plomp model, namely: 1) initial investigation, 2) design, 3) construction and 4) tests, revisions and evaluations. Data collection instruments used were RPP validation sheets, LKPD validation sheets, teacher response questionnaires, student questionnaire responses and learning achievement sheets. Data collection techniques used were validation data from 2 Mathematics Education Lecturers of UIP FKIP and 1 mathematics teacher at SMP Negeri 6 Siak Hulu, teacher response questionnaire data, student questionnaire responses and learning achievement sheet. The analysis technique used is validation data analysis and practical data analysis obtained from the questionnaire responses of teachers and students. The trial of this product was carried out in class VIII.2 of SMPN 6 Siak Hulu with a total of 29 students. The results showed that the results of the 82.16% RPP validation test were in the valid enough category and the LKPD 83.76% validation test results in the quite valid category. The results of the practicality of the RPP 82.14% with a very practical category, obtained from the teacher response questionnaire, practicality 81.37% LKPD with practical categories obtained from the student questionnaire responses and practicality of the implementation of learning 88.31% with a very practical category. Thus, this research produced mathematics learning tools based on Reaslistic Mathematics Approach (PMR) with valid and practical Tangram Media that can be used. 

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Universitas Islam Riau