Analisis Kesuksesan Regular Cyclic Steam Stimulation Menggunakan Metode Normalisasi Dalam Meningkatkan Oil Gain Pada Lapangan LF
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Universitas Islam Riau
Ferdiansyah, Lupy
T Technology (General) 
2022-03-23 09:04:59 
Abstract :
History The LF field was discovered in 1941 where it covers an area of 34,730 hectares. Where the oil is found at a depth of 300-700 ft. And the bottleneck for oil production that occurs in the LF field is due to the characteristics of the fluid which is at 22.4 oAPI and a viscosity of 220 cp which is a heavy oil category. The large viscosity makes it difficult for the oil to flow and with the regular cyclic steam stimulation method an injection process is carried out to increase the temperature in the reservoir, so that the viscosity decreases. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the parameters of the regular cyclic steam stimulation method to make this method a success. This research is very important because by conducting this analysis it will be easier to determine the success rate of the regular cyclic steam stimulation strategy in the LF field. The analysis of the regular cyclic steam stimulation method based on the parameters of WHT, HPT, BTU, Oil Gain and Cumulative oil obtained a good injection value for the performance of oil gain in the LF field. The results of the analysis obtained are where to obtain a good injection performance at WHT <100 oC, 100-125 oC, and >150 oC at injection heat capacity in the range of 1 - 1.5 BTU and at WHT 125-150 oC the best injection heat capacity value in increase oil get value >1.5 BTU. 

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Universitas Islam Riau