Modifikasi Kurva IPR Standing Untuk Harga Flow Efisiensi Kecil Dengan Menggunakan Metode Harrison Dan Fetkovich
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Universitas Islam Riau
Putra, Jeri Syaf
T Technology (General) 
2022-03-23 09:05:57 
Abstract :
Field Y Well X is an old well located in Siak Regency, Riau. Geographically, this field is located in Central Sumatra. Field Y well X over time the production rate will decrease. Well X has a water cut of 76%, produced continuously for a long time, the well has decreased production compared to the initial production. This decrease in production is due to the decrease in reservoir pressure itself. For this reason, it is necessary to forecast the production of potential wells, one of the production forecasting is the IPR (Inflow Performance Relationship) curve. In this case, it is evaluated by the Harrison and Fetkovich method. Harrison and Fetkovich method is an IPR curve forecasting that takes into account the oil flow rate. This method modifies the standing equation because the FE is 0.28 and the skin does not exist. Forecasting the IPR curve is very important to determine the current and future oil production rates, both in natural flow wells and artificial lifts. IPR curve to see comparing the rate of oil production with Pwf. The calculation result of Harrison and Fetkovich's method for the present is ?Qo?_max= 22.78 BOPD, while the future is ?Qo?_max= 21.53 BOPD. The graph of the IPR curve of this method is almost linear, this is due to the well X field Y has a high water cut and a low oil flow rate. 

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Universitas Islam Riau