Usaha Guru Dalam Meningkatkan Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal Pelajaran Seni Budaya (Seni Musik Pianika) Di SMPN 1 Bangkinang Kabupaten Kampar Provinsi Riau
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Universitas Islam Riau
Fattah, Arief Gunabar
L Education (General) 
2022-03-23 09:55:25 
Abstract :
This research is backed by the invisible spirit of the teacher who can influence the student Bemsaha reach the KKM. Pcnyusunan test problem does not reflect the indicators. Basic competence, so it is less satisfactory. Quality of education is not to be,. Even tend to decline. The problem formulation is how does the teacher's efforts to improve the minimum submission criteria of cultural arts (Pianika music) in SMP N 1 Bangkinang KabupatcnKampar Riau province?. The purpose of this research is: to know the efforts of the teachers in improving the criteria of Minimal submission of cultural arts Lessons (Pianica music) in SMP N 1 Bangkinang Kampar District Riau Province. This research uses the descriptive method of analysis as well as the quarantine data that is the Penciitian that is done by the Pcndekatan how to object researched to get accurate data. The data collection techniques used are observations, interviews and documentation. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the first descriptive analysis as well as qualitative data that describes/solves KD in the art of pianic music that is encoded by the teacher can be said to have performed well and in giving the description of the learning Mcnganai in accordance with the basic competencies that exist, both set up an indicator of the Pianic Music art learning, which is done at this meeting the teacher has conveyed the indicator of musical art Pianica according to Existing syllabus, third presenting the little art material ' teacher by practice in front of the class together with other students to display the art of Pianica music, in giving the Pamaham to students about pianic tones taught through the media of the Pianica instrument, the fourth monitors all students ' work in little art before the teacher gave the explanation about the rooting that will be displayed by the students in front of the class, and students practiced pianic instruments according to Teachers can also turn off the tone of the students ' activities in groups, fifth judging students in little music art from the questioning by the teacher with the assessment of the group, in this case the teacher also gave a briefing to each group Tcntang sixth musical Art of Little using diognostic technique in the musical art of Pianica performed by the teacher only gave additional tests to the Ununderstood Sisaw. 

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Universitas Islam Riau