Optimasi Jaringan Pipa Distribusi Geothermal Pada Lapangan Power Plant X Dengan Simulator Pipesim
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Universitas Islam Riau
Fajri, Adrian Yoldi
T Technology (General) 
2022-03-23 09:57:01 
Abstract :
Lumut Balai Geothermal Field is one of the geothermal fields located in Penindaian Village, Semende Darat Laut District, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra Province. Geothermal production in this field will produce a geothermal power plant which is predicted to generate electricity through a 55 MW generator and sold to state companies (PLN) and distributed to consumers through distribution pipelines. This study optimizes and evaluates the distribution pipeline network in this field using the Pipesim simulator where this simulator is able to integrate the distribution pipeline network so that it can identify possible problems in a more integrated manner. Thus, various scenarios will be developed, in this case 4 different scenarios for changing pipe diameter sizes in order to obtain optimal results. Based on the results of the study, optimization with 4 different scenarios of changing the size of the pipe diameter has an effect on decreasing the pressure drop along the distribution pipe. In scenario 1 there is a pressure drop of 1052.33 psia, scenario 2 of 1054.6 psia, scenario 3 of 1035.1 psia and scenario 4 of 976.2 psia. From the diversification of these scenarios, the best scenario can be taken into consideration by the company for further implementation in the field. 

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Universitas Islam Riau