Evaluasi Pekerjaan Acidizing Treatment Dalam Mengatasi Scale CaCO3 Menggunakan Asam Organik Di Sumur X Dan Y Pada Lapangan Je
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Universitas Islam Riau
Marevi, Jihan Rahmaputri
T Technology (General) 
2022-03-24 09:21:29 
Abstract :
In oil and gas wells, there are several things that cause a decrease in the production flow rate, one of which is due to deposits in the wellbore. The problem that commonly occurs in the JE field is heavy scale, which causes a decrease in production rate at well X by 40% and rate at well Y by 23.5%and well Y. The scale formed in the JE field is a calcium carbonate scale which is known from the stimulation laboratory analysis. Acid washing stimulation was carried out to solve the problems in the X and Y wells. Acid washing stimulation was implemented with carboxylic acid using the bullheading method. Carboxylic acid is one of the types of organic acids used because it is not corrosive so it is environmentally friendly and does not require the addition of a lot of corrosion inhibitors. To determine the effect of carboxylic acid on success, an evaluation was carried out based on the calculation of well productivity, IPR curve and productivity index. Evaluation of the test results after the acidizing treatment showed that the stimulation of the acidizing treatment succeeded in improving the quality of the well. The oil production rate of wells X and Y increased from 12 bopd and 13 bopd to 73.6 bopd and 24 bopd, respectively. Based on the well productivity of well X increased by 83.7% and well Y by 45.8%, based on the productivity index of well X increased from 0.31 to 1.56 and well Y increased from 0.18 to 0.31, acidic pH after reaction in well X was 6.26 and well Y was 6.09. 

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Universitas Islam Riau