Manajemen Sanggar Tari Sri Gemilang Di Tembilahan Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir Provinsi Riau
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Universitas Islam Riau
Viamita, Sy Reisa
L Education (General) 
2022-03-24 09:59:43 
Abstract :
Sri Gemilang Dance Studio is a performing arts organization located at Indragiri Hilir Regency. This organization was established on November 4, 1998 which founded by Syamsurizal Awi who is domiciled in Jalan Linkar II No. 2 Pekan Arba Tembilahan District. Sri Gemilang Dance Studio practice site is a place to channel creativity in Riau Malay dance. Pg it is certainly in line with the Riau Provincial Regional government program with a vision Riau Province 2020 namely "The realization of Riau Province as the Center Malay Economy and Culture in Yang Community Environment Religious, Prosperous Born and Spiritual in Southeast Asia 2020 ". Sri Gemilang Dance Studio Management functions to manage the Dance Studio well and planned. The management is in charge of making performance programs, coordinating run schedules, managing and coping various problems related to the Gemilang Dance Studio. Sanggae Tari Sri Gemilang has many achievements in the field of dance. Not only the achievements of the studio, but this studio also produces a lot of figs talented young choreographers, this is all thanks to that management performed by the Sri Gemilang Dance Studio itself. Therefore management good dance is very much needed by the dance itself. Therefore without Good management is difficult to manage this Sri Gemilang Dance Studio. With the management, then can manage Sri Gemilang well, so that various problems faced can be resolved wisely and wisely. The theory used in this study is Teroti Terry (2005), method the research used in this research is descriptive research method. The population of this study is the leaders, employees and students of the Sri Dance Studio Gemilang totaling 21 people. The sampling technique in this study using purposive sampling, that is by only taking samples as many as 5 people consisting of 1 Chairman, 1 manager, 1 person secretary, 1 person equipment section and 1 person training section. Data used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection technique is observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis technique is in the form Descriptive analysis of which data has been collected by researchers then reduced (simplified), clarified (grouped), interpreted and described in the form of verbal language to achieve verification (drawing conclusions) 

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Universitas Islam Riau