Pertunjukan Tari Tradisi Ayam Sudur Di Kelurahan Ranai Darat Kecamatan Bunguran Timur Kabupaten Natuna Provinsi Kepulauan Riau
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Universitas Islam Riau
Fitri, Ziana
L Education (General) 
2022-03-24 10:00:28 
Abstract :
The theory used is Soedarsono's theory (1986: 103-119) about dance elements, namely motion, music, floor design, dynamics, costumes, make-up themes, lighting. The methodology of this research is descriptive method with qualitative data. Data collection techniques used are structured interview techniques, nonparticipant observation and documentation. Sudur chicken traditional dance performance is one of the traditional dances of the Natuna community, especially in the land ranai village which in general this dance is a folk dance that tells the daily work of working as a rice farmer. This dance is not only performed at the time of the rice harvest, but this dance has also begun to be displayed at the reception ceremony, weddings and other performances. This dance is a dance that expresses gratitude to Allah for the success of the rice harvest. Sudur chickens are taken from the movements of farmers who repel pests or other animals that will interfere with the rice. The results showed that there were 6 types of motion that consisted of sitting motion, fading, two hand flushing, flower picking, and closing prayer. Using a musical instrument that is kompang that is played by way of the design / pattern of the floor in the dance using a straight-shaped floor pattern changes dynamics to motion, changes in level, direction of motion. In this Sudur chicken traditional dance, of course, using makeup that is beautiful and beautiful makeup to be watched by viewers, but this makeup is not too thick to follow the needs. By using accessories on the head of a female dancer and using a cap on the head of a male dancer and new Malay brackets and songket cloth on female dancers and male dancers. 

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Universitas Islam Riau