Perhitungan Perbandingan Besarnya Laju Alir Produksi Di Masa Yang Akan Datang Dengan Metode Eickmair Dan Metode Couto’s Pada Sumur X Lapangan Y
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Universitas Islam Riau
A'yun, Qurrata
T Technology (General) 
2022-03-24 09:22:07 
Abstract :
As time passes, oil wells productivity will decline due to lower reservoir pressures and increased water cuts. This increase results from a decrease in oil saturation and an increase in water saturation. To match the performance of the well, it can be analyzed using the IPR curve of this curve. We can predict the current and future behavior of the reservoir fluid flow. To get an overview of the production rate of the well. Well X is an older well with a high water section that produces dissolved oil and gas. As a result, an assessment of the well's production capacity is required. To evaluate the performance of the well production, a comparison of the future production flow rate is calculated using the Eickmair method and the Couto method. Eickmeier's method predicts future IPR curves by combining the Fetkovitch equation and the Vogel equation. Assuming that the exponential value (n) of the flow rate is equal to one, the maximum flow rate under initial conditions can be compared with the future maximum flow rate. The future Qo of the Eickmeier method will be influenced in the future by the liquid rate of Qt and the pressure of the reservoir. Meanwhile, Couto's method develops the upright equation for the power of fluid flow from the formation to the borehole. The assumption of the Couto equation is when there is a relationship between the reservoir pressure and the relative permeability of the oil, as well as the relationship between the viscosity of the oil (µo) and the volume factor of the oil. Training (Bo). Based on future Qomax calculations using the Eickmair method of 19.0 bbl / d and the Couto?s method, it is obtained at 14.68 bbl / d. The difference between the two methods is 7.75%. Both methods show the shape of the 2-phase IPR curve, which shows the gas dissolved in the oil phase. 

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Universitas Islam Riau