Evaluasi Pekerjaan Penutupan Sumur Secara Permanen (P&A) Pada Sumur Dry Hole Dan Sumur Non Produktif Di Lapangan A
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Universitas Islam Riau
Wardianti, Rena
T Technology (General) 
2022-03-24 09:22:19 
Abstract :
Plug & Abandonment (P&A) is an action taken to isolate the surrounding environment. This Plug & Abandonment (P&A) operation is carried out under certain conditions such as the well is no longer economical and the well has various kinds of damage that is so severe that it cannot be repaired anymore and to protect the surrounding environment, the well closure operation is carried out and at this stage the well The well will experience periods of closure or isolation, either temporarily or permanently. In this final project, two wells that have been carried out by Plug & Abandonment (P&A) will be reviewed and evaluated. From the data of the two wells, it can be seen the difference in the total volume of cement for well X and the volume of cement for well Y used for each well closing work. In this study, the amount of cement used for these two cements is very much different, for well X which is a dry hole well requires 320 sacks of cement, while well Y which is a non-productive well requires 1535 sacks of cement. With the research and evaluation in this final project, it is hoped that a more effective planning procedure will be obtained in carrying out Plug & Abandonment (P&A) work that can be applied to other wells in the field where Plug & Abandonment (P&A) will be carried out. 

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Universitas Islam Riau