Studi Awal Pengujian Properties Dari Limbah Ampas Sagu Sebagai Bahan Alternatif Chemical EOR
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Universitas Islam Riau
Regina, Shania
T Technology (General) 
2022-03-24 09:24:41 
Abstract :
Polymer flooding is one of the EOR chemical methods which is widely applied in the oil and gas industry because its use is easier to apply and also cheaper. Polymer injection has been applied since the early 1960's. This injection involves adding a thickening agent to the formation water to increase its viscosity in order to increase the sweep efficiency by decreasing the water-oil mobility ratio so as to increase the viscosity. Currently, the polymers applied in the chemical EOR method are divided into two classes, namely synthetic polymers and biopolymers. One type of complex biopolymers such as starch, dextran, xanthan, chitosan and cellulose. One of the plants that can be used in the manufacture of cellulose-based biopolymers is sago waste. The use of sago dregs is still minimal, causing a buildup of dregs so that it will cause environmental pollution. Sago pulp contains about 40% cellulose. In this study, the researchers wanted to take advantage of the cellulose content found in sago waste to be used as a material for making biopolymers in the form of NaCMC which would later be applied to the application of the EOR chemical method. The stages in this study were sample preparation, hydrolysis, alkalization, bleaching, carboxymethylation and characteristic tests in the form of density, viscosity, salinity, and FTIR tests. This study used four variations of sample volume H2SO4 (10%, 15%, 20%, and 25%), with salinity concentrations of 5000 ppm, 30000 ppm and 60000 ppm and at temperatures of 60 ° C, 70 ° C, 80 ° C and 90 ° C. The best research results show that the biopolymer from sago waste at 15% and 20% sulfuric acid is stable at 80 ° C, and as the salinity increases, the density and viscosity decrease, and the FTIR test results show that the formation of OH, C = groups. O, CO and CH which showed the presence of a spectrum of NaCMC constituents in sago waste samples with sulfuric acid concentrations of 15% and 20%. 

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Universitas Islam Riau