Studi Pemilihan Jenis Perforator Dan Pola Perforasi Sesuai Dengan Keadaan Batuan Dan Kondisi Sumur Yang Telah Diperhitungkan Sebelumnya Pada Sumur X Lapangan Y
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Universitas Islam Riau
Siregar, Spica Jul Fadli
T Technology (General) 
2022-03-24 09:25:33 
Abstract :
If the well has been producing for a long time or what is commonly called an old well, the production of hydrocarbon fluid will have a different pressure over time and wha is certain is that the pressure will decrease compared to the initial time of well production. The decreasing pressure change will be in line with the decrease in the production flow rate in the oil or gas well. Then the water cut continues to increase which allows the watercut value to reach 90% and above so that the zone becomes less economical. So one of the solutions in maintaining well productivity is by doing well completion with reperforation planning or adding perforations at other intervals. Then do the most appropriate design in planning such as selecting the perforation pattern, type of perforator, perforation penetration according to reservoir variables and well conditions that have been calculated before. Reservoir condition is also an important consideration factor whether the formation is consolidated or unconsolidated so that planning in choosing the type of perforation is more accurate. Calculation of the skin damage factor is also necessary to find out how much damage to the well was caused by the perforation activity. In well X field Y, the selection of perforatot type and perforation pattern is carried out by calculating and using several graphics, as well as knowing the effect of reperforation to be carried out by taking into account the specific productivity index, productivity ratio and increasing the percentage of productivity in the well. From the data obtained and after calculating the specific productivity index of the X field Y well of 0.129 B / D / psi / ft with a 90 ° phasing perforation and a simple perforation pattern, then a change in the phasing of the perforation in the well is changed to 180 °. With a staggered pattern or alternating patterns, the specific productivity index value is 0.193 B / D / psi / ft, then the percentage value of the well's productivity becomes 49%. From the same data, calculations were also carried out as a comparison of the percentage of production, namely performing perforations with 180 ° phasing perforations and alternating patterns, perforations being carried out beyond the 3-inch damage zone, the result of the percentage of well productivity obtained was 29%. 

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Universitas Islam Riau