Analisis Pengaruh Humidity Terhadap Laju Korosi Menggunakan Graphene Oxide Cangkang Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Penghambat Laju Korosi
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Universitas Islam Riau
Siagian, Tri Indah Sari
T Technology (General) 
2022-03-24 10:00:47 
Abstract :
Corrosion is one of the production problems in the oil and gas industry. Severe corrosion can cause cracks / holes in the steel metal. If repair is done, it will be very costly. The factors that cause corrosion are temperature, (Ph), flow velocity, oxygen content and humidity. The surface equipment for oil and gas production is dominated by steel, which has a limit on resistance to changes in humidity which can cause corrosion to form on the surface of the steel metal. Graphene Oxide material has the potential to reduce the corrosion rate of steel as an alternative coating material because GO is impermeable and has high mechanical strength, the GO coating also prevents oxidation, where GO particles will replace rust and carbon varnishes which will make the iron durable and also reduce the rate of corrosion. This study aims to analyze the effects of variations in humidity and variations in the type of coating samples on the corrosion rate of various samples One method of slowing down the corrosion rate is by means of coating, in this coating method an epoxy resin is used where the epoxy resin will be mixed with the palm oil shell graphene oxide that has been synthesized. The results of testing the rate of corrosion against variations in humidity and variations in the type of coating can be calculated using the Corrosion Rate formula, the test that has been carried out is that the GO coating with humidity variations shows that the higher the humidity, the greater the corrosion rate that is formed, and in room humidity there is a fluctuation in humidity due to not controlled using a hygrometer so the humidity is not stable. The rate of corrosion at 80% humidity is 0.00366 (mmpy), at 90% humidity is 0.00464 (mmpy), and at room humidity is 0.00409 (mmpy). Then the corrosion rate of various types of coating samples shows that the GO coating samples are able to maximize the decrease in corrosion rate compared to epoxy coatings, because the oil palm shell GO coating has better impermeable properties than epoxy coatings, in samples without coating the corrosion rate increases faster due to the surface unprotected samples. The corrosion rate with variations without coating is 0.09610 (mmpy), after coating the epoxy there is a decrease to 0.00870 (mmpy), then coating go is carried out and the corrosion rate decreases to 0.00464 (mmpy), at the same humidity that is 90% 

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Universitas Islam Riau