Pengaruh Beban Berlebih (Overload) Terhadap Tingkat Kerusakan Jalan Pada Perkerasan Lentur Studi Kasus Pada Ruas Jalan Lintas Ujung Batu – Bekasap Km 22 – Km 27 Kabupaten Bengkalis
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Universitas Islam Riau
Saputra, Alderi Eka
TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) 
2022-03-25 09:47:41 
Abstract :
The research objective is to calculate LHR, truck factor and the level of road damage including in good, moderate, damaged and heavily damaged condition. Jalan Ujung Batu - Bekasap is a cross road that connects Bengkalis Regency with Rokan Hulu Regency, the road length is ± 28 kilometers one lane, two-lane two-way with a width of 5 meters, this road section has several industries, such as the log industry, palm oil and coconut shells. Oil palm, so this road traversed by vehicles such as timber trucks, shell trucks, CPO tanker trucks and palm oil trucks. As a result, there is damage to cracks, potholes, patches, edge break and raveling. The data needed for the author?s research, namely; LHR data, loaded vehicle weight data and road damage data. This research method uses the bina marga method to determine the level of damage. By calculating the equivalent number of vehicle axle loads to determine the truck factor and calculate the percentage of damage. The results of the analysis of the average daily traffic (LHR) with the number of heavy vehicles are 1426 vehicles/per day/2 directions, while light vehicles are 1794 vehicles/per day/2 directions, with the percentage of heavy vehicles 55.71% and light vehicles 44, 29%. The results of the analysis of the equivalent number (ESA) of the vehicle get a number of 12813.74 getting the value of TF (Truck Factor) = 8.99 > 1 (Overload). The results of the analysis of damage to the Ujung Batu - Bekasap road include; crack damage STA 22-27 with a percentage of 14.47 % with a moderate level of damage, pothole damage in STA 23-27 with a percentage of 1.96% with a moderate level of damage, STA 22-25 fillings with a percentage of 4.96% with a moderate level of damage, STA somple damage 23-27 with a percentage of 0.41% good damage rate and grain release damage STA 23-24 with a percentage of 0.49% good damage rate, the position of crack damage, pothoholes, patches, raveling are on the wheel path, the position of edge break damage is at outside the wheel track. To avoid further damage, it is better to carry out a regular maintenance program on time. 

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Universitas Islam Riau