Hubungan Antara Religiusitas Dengan Perilaku Prososial Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Islam Riau
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Universitas Islam Riau
Setianingsih, Putri Sudita
BF Psychology 
2022-03-26 07:31:49 
Abstract :
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RELIGIOSITY AND PROSOCIAL BEHACIOR IN STUDENTS AT THE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF RIAU PUTRI SUDITA SETIANINGSIH 148110093 FACULTY OF PSYCHOLOGY RIAU ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the relationship between religiosity and prosocial behevior in students at the Islamic University of Riau. The research sample taken was 80 UIR students. This sampling technique uses incidental sampling technique. While the statistical analysis used in the study is a statistical analysis of non-parametric Spearman rank order cerrelations, through the help of the SPSS version 23.0data processing program for windows. The results of this statistical analysis have shown that: there is a significant relationship between religiosity and prosocial behavior after analysis the data it is known that the spearman correlation value is 0.764 with significance of 0.000 (p<0.05). It can be concluded that the research hypothesis is accepted, namely there is a significant positive relationship between religiosity and prosocial behavior. The higher the religiosity, the higher the prosocial behavior, and vice versa, the lower the religiosity, the lower the prosocial behavior. Keywords : Religiosity, Prosocial behavior 
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Universitas Islam Riau