Peranan Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Provinsi Riau Dalam Mengatasi Abrasi Di Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti
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Universitas Islam Riau
Amora, Robby Rifky
JA Political science (General) 
2022-03-29 10:25:49 
Abstract :
Abrasion is one of the problems that threaten coastal conditions that can also threaten coastlines that moved backward resulting in land increasingly eroded and oceans increasingly widespread, of course that is extremely dangerous for people, especially living on the coast as a result of abrasion makes the loss of agricultural land, community gardens, as well as public roads if it continues to happen then it will no doubt be sinking as island that is what should be the government?s attention, the subject matter of this research is how the job role of the Department of Public to Adress the county Abrasion Meranti Islands and acknowledging constraints barriers experienced anything what the study, the keyformen is section head of the construction of irrigation facilities, staff areas of substance common parts and the head of border services while informen of this research is society. As for the type and source of the data is primary and which is secondary data obtained from respondents through data collection and interviews and further research is using qualitative method and descriptive data by type of research is the observation of activities to get the necessary information to present the real picture. From these results it can be concluded that the role of the Department of Public Works in the county speak against abrasion Meranti Island is still room for improvement remember some areas that have been built as a retaining dike or plaster abrasion is still not evenly distributed. 

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Universitas Islam Riau