Peranan Dinas Perdagangan Dan Perindustrian Dalam Pembinaan Pedagang Kaki Lima Di Pasar Senapelan Kota Pekanbaru
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Universitas Islam Riau
Oktavia, Riska Wahyu
JA Political science (General) 
2022-04-01 08:10:43 
Abstract :
The Pekanbaru City Government is trying to make policies and carry out evaluations to keep street vendors in order. One of the guidance carried out by the Market Service is controlling street vendors who carry out their business activities using roads. So this activity disturbs public order. Policies have been carried out by the Pekanbaru City Government towards all street vendors, but the reality in the field has not been maximally successful. This can be seen from the number of street vendors who do not want to move to the market locations that have been provided by the government. Government policy planning in controlling street vendors does not seem to provide the right solution. It appears that the policy of controlling street vendors is by building alternative markets that are still not supported by proper facilities and infrastructure. Loss and Kiosk rental prices are high in addition to the absence of equal distribution of street vendors. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of the Market Service in Guiding Street Vendors at Senapelan Market, Pekanbaru City and the inhibiting factors. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method with data collection through interviews, observation and documentation. Key and informants in this study were the Head and employees of the Market Service Unit and traders. The results of the study are that the role of the Market Service in fostering street vendors at Senapelan Market, Pekanbaru City has not been optimally carried out, this can be seen from the traders who until now have not been able to be disciplined so they are still selling on the sidewalk. Factors Affecting the Role of the Market Service in Guiding Street Vendors at Senapelan Market, Pekanbaru City (a), the Ability of the Market Service Apparatus in serving the Community, (b), Coordination and Communication of Pekanbaru City Market Service Officers. And (c), the integrity of the Pekanbaru City Market Service Officer. 

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Universitas Islam Riau