Tinjauan Terhadap Hak Memperoleh Pekerjaan Yang Layak Bagi Penyandang Disabilitas Di Kota Pekanbaru
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Universitas Islam Riau
Br. Pasaribu, Raras Regina Balqis
K Law (General) 
2022-04-01 08:12:38 
Abstract :
This research is about ?the right to have a decent job for people with disabilities in Pekanbaru city?. The constitution of the Republic of Indonesia has guaranteed the rights of its citizens to get a job. In an effort to get a job, everyone including people with disabilities have the same opportunity. With the existence of laws and regulations that regulate the rights of people with disabilities, it is expected to be able to guarantee the fulfillment of their right to obtain a job, The formulation of the problems examined in this research are, the regulation regarding the right to have a decent job for people with disabilities in Pekanbaru City and fulfillment of the right to have a decent job for people with disabilities in Pekanbaru City This research used observational research method, where the writer directly went to the field to collect data that will be used as writing material for this research. The data collection tools used in this research were questionnaires and interviews. This research was located in Pekanbaru City. The results of the study showed that the Government as the obligation holder had made the maximum effort to bring prosperity to the people with disabilities. One of the efforts made was by making various regulations aimed at protecting the rights of people with disabilities, The fulfillment of the right to have a decent job for people with disabilities in the city of Pekanbaru is still and very far from expectations, This can be seen from three things, namely, the lack of information on the availability of jobs, the existence of discrimination by employers, and also the guarantee of labor for people with disabilities is not yet available. 

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Universitas Islam Riau