Pelaksanaan Akad Pembayaran Mudharabah Pada Asuransi Jiwa Di PT. Asuransi Jiwa Syariah Bumiputera
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Universitas Islam Riau
Pahleffi, Megyatama
K Law (General) 
2022-04-01 08:15:04 
Abstract :
In Indonesian economy, insurance was the important service product for industrial activity, commerce, even for public policy.that activities not going to work without insurance. On islam law, insurance was not prohibited to use as long not against the syariah rules. Islam law force to use mudharabah (profit sharing) agreement to avoid riba, because riba not allowed in Islam Law. But on the claim payment there is some problem where the muhdarabah can be paid because some factors, it is when client want to stop the insurance not until the insurance over and the client who not paid the premi. The problem of this research is about how implementation of mudharabah agreement on PT. Asurani Jiwa Syariah Bumiputera and the obstacle factors for mudharabah agreement payment on PT. Asuransi Jiwa Syariah Bumiputera This research use the obeservational research that use survey directly on the location of the research with interview as the accumulation of the data and for butress of the research use Indonesia Regulation and some literatures that related to research title. Analysis of data is data that has been collected from the field first the authors group according to type then the data is processed then data from interviews are presented in the form of sentence descriptions. From the reserach can be concluded that mudharabah implement paymen on PT. Asuransi Jiwa Syariah Bumiputera always refer to the Legislation Regulation Undang-undang Number 40 of 2014 about insurances. In PT. Asuransi Jiwa Syariah Bumiputera, there is some obstacle that the mudharabah payment agreement can be paid. The obstacle factors that blocks the mudharabah agreement payment are the client stop before the agreement as partial will not get the mudharabah payment and the client that has not pay the the premi as the agreement cant get the mudharabah payment which that has been explained by the staff before the client registered or must been explained on the police agreemen. 

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Universitas Islam Riau