Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Menggunakan Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) Pada Materi Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel Kelas VIII SMP
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Universitas Islam Riau
Rahayu, Desi Anti
L Education (General) 
2022-04-01 08:16:28 
Abstract :
This research aims to produce mathematics learning devide by Problem Based Learning (PBL) in linear system with two variable for 8th grade. It does in odd semester 2020/2021. Learning device consists of lesson plan and worksheet. This research is R n D methods by the steps are: Potency and problem, data collected, product design,validation product, design revision and final product. The data collection technique used was test and non-test in the form of a validation sheet. Validation is done by two lecturer Mathematics Departement Faculty Teaching and Learning Islamic University of Riau and a mathematics teacher Junior High School Nation 12 Pekanbaru. Data analysis technique is validation data analysis. The result of the research obtained validation of lesson plan is 80,83% with quite valid category and validation of worksheet is 86,25% with very valid category. Product of this research is learning device by Problem Based Learining (PBL) ) in linear system with two variable for 8th grade which is very valid without revision. 

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Universitas Islam Riau