Motivasi Orang Tua Dalam Mendidik Agama Anak Di Rumah Di Desa Bekalar Kecamatan Kandis
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Universitas Islam Riau
Pusvitha, Rindhy
BP Islam. Bahaism. Theosophy, etc 
2022-04-04 07:20:39 
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to find out how parents? motivation in educating children religion at home in Bekalar village, subdistrict Kandis. This research was a qualitative research where it aimed to describe fully and depth about social reality and various phenomenon happened to parents? motivation in educating children religion at home in Bakelar village, subdistrict Kandis, and they were as research subject. The data collection technique in this research used observation, interview and documentation method. The background of this research was motivated by the lack of parents? motivation in educating children religion at home in Bakelar village, subdistrict Kandis. This research involved 6 (six) persons as informant that namely: 1) Mrs. Tri Suwandri, 2) Mrs. Purnama Sari, 3) Mrs. Irwana, 4) Mrs. Rayanti, 5) Mrs. Siti Aisyah, and the last was Mrs. Nur Fitriani. The research problems explained about how parents? motivation in educating children religion at home in Bakelar village, subdistrict Kandis that was confirmed as symptom. The data analysis of research findings showed that: 1) parents made an effort in educating their children in Islamic way, introducing the basic of Islam to children since early stage. In this way, parents could educate their children to create a sense of love to Islam and Allah S.W.T. 2) parents introduced their children about everything related to Religion. 3) parents could educate the knowledge and also practicing it as an exemplary stories and wisdom. 

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Universitas Islam Riau