Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Pola Titip Kelola Antara Pemegang Izin D'Besto Chicken & Burger Dengan Investor Di Kota Pekanbaru
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Universitas Islam Riau
Vyodella, Putri
K Law (General) 
2022-04-04 07:25:27 
Abstract :
Based on the results of the pre-survey conducted by the author, according to the respondents, there were problems in the implementation of the cooperative agreement between the holders of the d´besto chicken and burger permit holder and the investor. The problem began when the 'chicken & burger party at the center, was late in sending raw materials so that it was able to hamper business processes and bring harm to the' Chicken & Burger cab party. Srikandi Pekanbaru City According to a statement submitted by one of the investors that the losses they found reached Rp. 1,000,000 (one million rupiahs) per day and delays occur for 3 working days, meaning the D?Besto chicken & Burger cab. Srikandi suffered a loss of Rp. 3,000,000 (three million rupiah). This research by the author establishes the main problem, namely how the Implementation of Cooperation Agreement with the Entrepreneurship Pattern between the D'Besto Chicken & Burger License Holder and Investors in Pekanbaru City and what are the inhibiting factors in the implementation of the Cooperation Agreement between the Entrepreneurship Pattern D'besto Chicken & Burger with Investors in Pekanbaru City. This writing when viewed from the type of writing research, it is classified as a sociological legal research that is research based only on Primary Data that is the main data that the author can get from the field by conducting direct interviews with several respondents who have been appointed by the author From the results of research by the author that: Franchise is an agreement / agreement between two parties where all the provisions refer to the Civil Code, namely Article 1313 of the Civil Code about the agreement, Article 1320 of the Civil Code about the validity of the agreement and the provisions of Article 1338 paragraph (1) of the Civil Code about the principle of freedom of contract. A franchise agreement is an agreement that does not conflict with law, religion, public order and decency. In practice in the field there are irregularities / violations committed by the franchisee. These deviations lead to defaults that result in losses to the franchisor. Constraints encountered by the parties regarding Taxes on Royalties (VAT) so far have been franchised, while royalties received by franchisees are the net value of gross sales. The imposition of royalties is generally based on gross sales, however the Indonesian franchise agreement is based on gross income whereas in a foreign franchise agreement using a gross sales basis and the existence of other fee payment obligations as determined by the franchisee such as advertising fees, training fees, and management service fees, the training program contained in the Indonesian franchise agreement is not strictly regulated and the time is different in some foreign franchise agreements. 

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Universitas Islam Riau