Abstract :
This study aims to determine the Management of Green Open Space by the Office of Public Works and Spatial Planning in Pelalawan Regency. The indicators of this research are Organizing, Planning, Directing, Supervising. This type of research located in Pelalawan District is a Descriptive Survey, which prioritizes the questionnaire list as a data collection tool and the data collected with this tool is then used as the main raw material for analyzing the empirical conditions of the objectivity of the objective of the research at the location under study. The population used in this study is the Head of Service, Planning Subdivision, Gardening Section, Supervision and Control Space Utilization Section, Community. The Saturated Sampling Technique for the employee population and the Purposive Sampling technique for the community, the types and data collection techniques used in this study consisted of, primary data collected using questionnaires and interviews and secondary data collected using observation techniques. While the data analysis technique used is to use the frequency table tool. Based on this analysis technique, the researcher assessed and concluded that the research entitled Green Open Space Management by the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office in Pelalawan District received an answer in the category of "Fairly Implemented".